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Ship profile

Set up your ship’s public facing profile.


The name by which passengers will identify your ship.

Passenger capacity

The amount of guests your ship can fit. Does not include crew.


Introduce your ship to prospective travelers.


Add at least 5 photos of your ship. Be sure to include shots of the outside and public areas.

Cover photo

Tip: use the most beautiful photo of the interior of your ship, not an aerial shot or the exterior. Make sure the photo highlights your ship’s finest qualities.

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Public amenities and features

Some prospective guests like to know this kind of information.


Available throughout the duration of the trip

Outdoor dining

Seating is available for outdoor dining, covered or not

Hot tub

Seating is available for outdoor dining, covered or not

Exercise machines

Dedicated equipment/facility for daily exercise


Kayaks available for all guests when appropriate

Paddle boards

Paddle boards available for all guests when appropriate

Scuba diving

When possible, scuba diving is made available

Glass bottom

Guests can see underwater from the floor

Solo cabins

Guests can book a cabin to themselves for the price of one

Tall guest friendly

Interior is spacious, beds are longer or have no headboards

Wheelchair friendly

Cabins near the dining/social area, stairway not required

Medical support

Qualified medical professional onboard at all times

Technical details

Some prospective guests like to know this kind of information. It also helps us more accurately estimate the ecological footprint of your itineraries.

Comfort category

The comfort level your ship offers

Hull type

Monohull or catamaran

Propulsion type

Monohull or catamaran

Cruising speed

Average speed at which the sailboat navigates


Ship length from bow to stern


Ship width